The Gazing Pond

“The gazing pond of ages past – refracts the sunlight and reflects your destiny”     Hickatuck Indian proverb

The Gazing Pond – past

One of Grandpapa Kaiser’s diaries had a black magic marker title: “People and Predictions”.  In it were a list of names with sayings and quotes from people he knew or met in his day-to-day walk through life.

One name I recognized was William Whitewolf.  He was our neighbor in the early 1970’s.   The quote next to his name was: Found the gazing pond when I was a child and when I looked at the surface, it wasn’t my face but I recognized myself.” 

  William Whitewolf

Grandpa Kaiser wrote in another book:  “The Hickatucks always asked the Gazing Pond questions when they were unsure or had:  “Nacheckrah Hunnaka” – loosely translated:  “uneven spirits”.  When they stared at the pond’s glass-like surface,  they found answers and many times they saw images of people or animals who communicated with light not words.  The water that filled the Gazing Pond came from the structured water that lay deep in the earth on the North side of Island Heights.”

The Gazing Pond – future

The Gazing pond’s predictions from the past seems to predict future events.  Grandpapa Kaiser, in an audio interview, told me about a Hickatuck story passed down through  the generations:

“The Hickatucks described how the Chief of their tribe bent to view the gazing pond.  Suddenly a foul gas blasted from behind him when a giant snake burrowed into the earth, cracked the land and scattered the tribe – bringing anguish and death to the living waters – forever.”

That story sounds familiar to what’s happening now.  All along the Delaware River, Hydraulic Fracturing – or Fracking is taking place.  This drilling and chemical extraction of natural gas contaminates residential wells which contains precious drinking water.  Once our aquifers become contaminated, there is no reversing the damage.

The Gazing Pond reveals many warnings about protecting the waters of Island Heights and everywhere.

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